Kmart closes at Schuylkill Mall after 35 years

Kmart closes at Schuylkill Mall after 35 years A local story from my mall. Perhaps too be former mall.. With each anchor store closing and empty location, the demise of the Schuylkill Mall seems to get closer.. This weekend Kmart shut does for good. What remains is an imcreasingly empty vessel of yesteryear with running … Read moreKmart closes at Schuylkill Mall after 35 years

[youtube] There are some people in the coal region who have come to despise the sight of coal mines, coal hills, and coal breakers. For them, they are a sign of what the barons did to the area: Create a scorched earth while they got rich quick, leaving behind ‘company store’ towns to fend for … Read more

More death of the coal region news

I feature some telling headlines from my hometown now and then, today’s offers more compelling information that the dream of the coal region, once filled with hope and coal in veins, is slowly becoming a relic of a past generation.. Catholic parishes in Ashland, Gordon and Girardville to merge This is a double whammy, of … Read moreMore death of the coal region news