The straw that broke the Republican’s back

News from the silly world of politics.. The Iowa Straw Poll, a high-profile Republican Party tradition for nearly four decades, is now dead. The Iowa Republican Party on Friday voted unanimously to kill the state’s presidential straw poll in an early morning conference call.. And most people who are reporting about it, on both sides, … Read moreThe straw that broke the Republican’s back

Queen’s speech reflects broken system & out of touch government

Queen’s speech reflects broken system & out of touch government The queen mum, sitting amongst her gold and jewels, spoke to the peasants. A broken country, a divided nation.. and a royalty shielded from the truth of the land…  Richard Sudan wrote the article linked with this post. It’s a good read..And perhaps a good … Read moreQueen’s speech reflects broken system & out of touch government

A young Denny Hasert.. Teacher and wrestling coach.. And now indicted on charges he was paying off at least one person he sexually abused at the time this yearbook photo was taken.. And now the rest is history and more has yet to be added …. That strange call from Yorkville on Cspan sure makes … Read more


ing wrong. This is the now. There is no more future.. To hear the debates in Congress, the tired old foolish whims of old men, is beyond frustrating. The lackluster performance isn’t a verdict on the system–the amazing part of our founding fathers is that devised something that could withstand war and rage and the … Read moreSEALED WITH A KISS. WELCOME BACK TO THE 20TH CENTURY

President Obama goes to the hospital–and the media chooses not to have a feeding frenzy

I am apparently uniquely surprised that news networks are not going wild in a feeding frenzy about President Barack Obama being whisked away to a hospital and being admitted for a sore throat that has been present for weeks.. he has been diagnosed with acid reflux, mainstream talking heads tell us. The Saturday news affair … Read morePresident Obama goes to the hospital–and the media chooses not to have a feeding frenzy

The political wind coming from the cesspool nearby

I am becoming redundant.. I just wrote about the deluge of politics just three days ago. But this newest rant I am about to go on is inspired by a horror movie inspired political ad being used by the governor of my state in his bid for re-election.. A certain part of me thinks that horror icons … Read moreThe political wind coming from the cesspool nearby