State Department reports dramatic rise in terror attacks across the world in 2014..  And 81% increase.. .. 13,463 terrorist attacks, a 35 percent jump from 2013, resulting in more than 32,700 deaths, an 81 percent rise. More than 9,400 people were kidnapped or taken hostage by militants, triple the rate of the previous year..

State Department reports dramatic rise in terror attacks across the world in 2014..  And 81% increase.. .. 13,463 terrorist attacks, a 35 percent jump from 2013, resulting in more than 32,700 deaths, an 81 percent rise. More than 9,400 people were kidnapped or taken hostage by militants, triple the rate of the previous year..

Hebron’s ‘Ghost Town’: What’s Life Like for the Last Boy on Shuhada Street? Sort of a creepy read from Paul Goldman at NBC: Every bike ride outside his home feels perilous to nine-year-old Yousef Rajabi.“The [Jewish] settlers harass me and I get death threats,” he told NBC News, referring to nearby residents. “They say to … Read more

AP: The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management and the Interior Department had been compromised. “The FBI is conducting an investigation to identify how and why this occurred,” the statement said. The hackers were believed to be based in China, said Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican. Collins, a member of the Senate intelligence committee, said the breach was “yet another indication of a foreign power probing successfully and focusing on what appears to be data that would identify people with security clearances.” A U.S. official, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the data breach, said it could potentially affect every federal agency. One key question is whether intelligence agency employee information was stolen. Former government employees are affected as well.

AP: The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management and the Interior Department had been compromised. “The FBI is conducting an investigation to identify how and why this occurred,” the statement said. The hackers were believed to be based in China, said Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine … Read moreAP: The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that data from the Office of Personnel Management and the Interior Department had been compromised. “The FBI is conducting an investigation to identify how and why this occurred,” the statement said. The hackers were believed to be based in China, said Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican. Collins, a member of the Senate intelligence committee, said the breach was “yet another indication of a foreign power probing successfully and focusing on what appears to be data that would identify people with security clearances.” A U.S. official, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the data breach, said it could potentially affect every federal agency. One key question is whether intelligence agency employee information was stolen. Former government employees are affected as well.

American investigators believe they can trace the breach to the Chinese government. Hackers working for the Chinese military are believed to be compiling a massive database of Americans, intelligence officials told CNN on Thursday night. It is not clear what the purpose of the database is. The creepiest part of the CNN reporting tonight on … Read more

I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew.. Charlie Charlie was a fraud!

Want to know why CHARLIE CHARLIE came out no where? It was all fake. The GALLOWS is coming.. and that is apparently highly associated with the CHARLIE CHARLIE challenge. You will have to take my word for this, but a few days ago I actually said that this whole NET phenom was just a Hollywood … Read moreI knew it I knew it I knew it I knew.. Charlie Charlie was a fraud!

There was no need for an evolutionary equal pay law: It was natural in most of recorded history, says a new study

New science now revealed: Early humans, we are told by leading anthropologists, had general equality. A research study concludes that for most of the evolutionary history of human, both genders had equal footing in the chaotic game of life..  MORE:  Mark Dyble, the leading anthropologist on the study at University College London, said: “There is still … Read moreThere was no need for an evolutionary equal pay law: It was natural in most of recorded history, says a new study

Who paved the road to ISIS?

A long look back: Who created ISIS? That question has suddenly became a campaign issue for Jeb Bush. But it is also an American issue–a question that should be answered with some thorough facts. NEW YORK attempts to begin putting the puzzle together–though it neglects to talk about weapons that the United States, under Obama, … Read moreWho paved the road to ISIS?