Just dropping LIKE A PRAYER here for posterity
The now famous re-do of Madonna’s LIKE A PRAYER from DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE..
The now famous re-do of Madonna’s LIKE A PRAYER from DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE..
…here is a new duo in the summer of 2024 taking the box office by storm. Potty mouthed foul and filthy.. a new family friendly film for the modern age!
Soooooo that is what happened..
“There wasn’t as much supervision on the set, so to speak, where we have executives [that are] really looking over what’s being done day after day after day.”
Even the greatest Marvels fans? Well they too may be done with all this madness in the Marvelverse!
Audiences seemed to really enjoy the film.. critics still kind of did. WE loved it, despite not completely loving its length. (At points Wakanda did in fact feel like FOREVER) ..
\As the weekend ends, it is setting the box office record of biggest November release..