CUTIES getting ugly for Netflix
Netflix finds itself in a quandary over hyper sexualized CUTIES poster art.. forced to say sorry prior to September 9 debut ..
Netflix finds itself in a quandary over hyper sexualized CUTIES poster art.. forced to say sorry prior to September 9 debut ..
Slight political earthquake developing the day that Biden will give his nomination acceptance speech.. Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has been arrested after being charged with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors. Drudge blared his siren to announce to the world..
As the nation gears up for a potential Wave 2 of COVID, one PA nursing home gets hit with Wave 1
An asteroid the size of an SUV passed 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometers) above Earth, the closest asteroid ever observed passing by our planet, NASA said Tuesday. If it had been on a collision course with Earth, the asteroid — named 2020 QG — would likely not have caused any damage, instead disintegrating in the atmosphere, … Read moreNASA confirms that a small asteroid was the closest ever that just passed Earth
Democrats began this year’s hot political season with a dull pre-taped snooze fest on the first night of their DNC convention. They will do this for the rest of the week. Republicans will join them next week. People are responding with……..snooze. Neilson states that 5.7 million people tuned in to the first night of the … Read moreThe Unconventions of 2020: ratings sink
NEW MUTANTS will be the first thing in newly opened movies theaters. How fitting..
August, 1990: Bush I was president. We were still trying to overcome the fact that the 1980s made high shoulder pads acceptable. And EXORCIST III was released into theaters..