Nothing to see here on drones ?

It appears that officials may prefer the public to focu

s on their phones rather than the sky. A joint statement has been issued by the Department of Homeland Security, the FAA, the FBI, and the Department of Defense regarding reported drone sightings around New Jersey and other areas.

It is unclear whether this statement will calm public concerns or address the growing global narrative about drones. Reports have not been limited to New Jersey; sightings have also occurred in several other states and countries.

On December 15th, videos from across the country were shared, showing parking lots behaving oddly – lights blinking repeatedly and car alarms sounding without any apparent cause.

During one of their live broadcasts attempting to track drones, ABC News managed to film what appeared to be a plasma ball in the sky.

Yesterday, President-elect Trump stated that the government is aware of what is happening and that the public deserves to be informed.

However, this recent statement has downplayed the events, attributing them to hobbyist activity or standard drone technology. This explanation provides an interesting contrast to the strange behaviors being observed.

Some of the drones have displayed unusually odd movements. While it could be dismissed as rumor or conspiracy theory, some videos claim that radio interference occurred in car radios when drones hovered above them.

In the end, the message seems to be: nothing to see here, so stop looking.