As we head to the end of another year, and review some old CIA records on remote viewing of Mars, let’s set an agenda item as a resolution: Let’s return back home!
A declassified document reveals the CIA secretly used astral projection/remote viewing in 1984 to visit Mars … … 1 million years in the past. This experiment was conducted under the Stargate Project, a secret Army team tasked with investigating ‘psychic phenomena’—primarily remote viewing—and their potential military/intelligence applications.
In January 2017, a CIA document from 1984 titled ‘Mars Exploration’ under this program was declassified. The subject who undertook this ‘exploration’ was given a sealed envelope with a card inside that read: “The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.”
From the report, it gets interesting..
The experiment began at 10:09 AM on May 22, 1984. First, the subject reported an “oblique view of a pyramid … sitting in a … large depressed area.” He reported “severe, severe clouds, more like dust storms.” “I’m looking at [an] after effect of a major geologic problem.” The moderator begins to give the subject a series of coordinates to travel to.
The subject reported seeing a “perception of a shadow of people, very tall … thin.”
“It’s as if they were there and they’re not, not there anymore.” The Martians were reportedly “very large” and “wearing some kind of strange clothes.” The moderator then asks the subject to turn his focus to a new location in the same time—just before the “major geologic problem.”
The subject reports looking “up the sides of a steep wall that seems to go on forever.” “It’s like the wall of the canyon itself has been carved.”
The moderator replied to the subject’s descriptions: “Yes that would be correct.”
20 minutes into the exploration, the subject arrived at a new place with a “very large” marker resembling the Washington Monument, or an “obelisk.” Jumping to another new place, the subject reported a “huge circular basin” surrounded by “very ragged, ragged mountains, very tall.”
The subject makes mention of “a radiating pattern of some kind.” “It’s like some really … strange intersecting kind of roads that are dug into valleys.” “They’re like real neat channels cut, they’re very deep, it’s like the road went down.”
35 minutes in, the subject suddenly said the pyramids were “like shelters from storms,” and he seemed confident that “they’re designed for that.” Inside, the pyramid was reportedly “stripped of any kind of … furnishings.” “It’s like a … strictly functional place for sleeping, or—that’s not a good word—hibernations, some form … I get real raw inputs, storms, savage storm, and sleeping through storms.”
The subject was able to approach Martians and ask questions.. “They’re ancient people. They’re … dying, it’s past their time or age.” “They’re very philosophic about it. They’re looking for … a way to survive and they just can’t.”
They were reportedly “hanging on” while waiting for a group of them that had left some timo ago to find a “new place to live.”
The moderator then asked the subject to find out how “the others” had left. The subject reported that it “looks like the inside of a larger boat. Very rounded walls and shiny metal.” Then, the moderator asked him to “go along with them on their journey.” The subject reported an impression of a “really crazy place with volcanos and gas pockets and strange plants.” He described it as a “very volatile place … very much like going from the frying pan into the fire.” But the difference from Mars, he said, was that “there seems to be a lot of vegetation where the other place did not have it. And different kind of storm.”
JOE McMONEAGLE THE REMOTE VIEWER – Joe McMoneagle is the remote viewer who remote viewed Mars when he was tasked by a classified program. The recent Daily Mail’s CIA article about Mars having Pyramids that were built by Ancient giant Martians (1 Million BC) was from his accounts.
You can read the FULL report here..
And we are also adding it to our page the CIA READING ROOM for future reference..