Horror movie icon Tony Todd dead in California
Tony Todd died Wednesday at his home in Marina del Rey, California, his wife Fatima told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday.
Tony Todd died Wednesday at his home in Marina del Rey, California, his wife Fatima told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday.
Some people may remember the famed Danville, Pennsylvania monkey Escapade several years ago, when monkeys escaped from a crashed truck in a higbway.. those monkeys were a part of disease studies and people were told to stay indoors and lock their windows. Now similar circumstances are taking place in South Carolina .. police and authorities … Read moreMonkey business now in South Carolina: Lock your windows!
And this is the best we can get?Recycled content and a reminder that the show will premiere in 2025? MAYBE MORE IS COMING.. BUT THIS IS A BIT OF A LET DOWN IF THIS IS ALL THERE WILL BE ..