Agenda Free Anxiety

The real news can be anxiety-ridden in today’s age. Turning the television on requires an Aspirin or exotic adult beverage of your choice to stay calm..

Just today, moments ago as we type this while watching Agenda free TV with Steve Lookner, a reminder of how anxiety-ridden this man could make you…

So typically, we turn to his news on YouTube whenever breaking news occurs.

He gives a great summation of things as they’re happening in real-time. But when he does so, he can sure cause your blood pressure to skyrocket to unbelievably high levels.

Video to prove as he covered developments in the Middle East:

Steve Lookner is the creator of Agenda-Free TV, an independent news platform that provides live coverage of breaking news events without promoting a specific political agenda. Lookner, who has a background in media and news anchoring, established Agenda-Free TV to offer real-time updates and analysis on events ranging from natural disasters to major political developments.

.And we hope he continues doing what he’s doing, such as staying up for 20 straight hours, covering breaking news and offering up a whole slate of different sources on his real-time, social media coverage..

But sometimes we just have to tune out for a few minutes and breathe..