Welcome to your Brat Summer!! Olympics removes controversial opening ceremony video

After all of that inclusion and celebration, the Olympics Committee has removed the “Last Supper” drag queen show from the opening ceremony after a global backlash!!

Initially the committee was striking videos for copyright infringements–most of those YouTubers and TikTokkers were reacting to the video both pro and con..

The controversy may have become too overwhelming–overshadowing the games themselves..


The recreation of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting ‘The Last Supper’ has hurt the religious sentiments of several Christians. Olympics removes its own opening ceremony video that features drag queens from YouTube.

The act of beheading of Queen Marie Antoinette is also being condemned.

Many viewers felt a “viewer discretion” warning was needed for the ceremony.

Along with that, International Olympic Committee apologized for the blunder of introducing South Korean contingent as North Korea during the opening ceremony.

And… on top of that, it is still raining and there was a report of power outages the night after the opening ceremony..