Twisters and turns at the box office: $80 million dollars strong

Forecasts expected $60 mil.. then $71.. and now as final numbers come in oviedo execs and critical are ‘blown away’ by the F5 TWISTERS.

$80 million strong..

Though some critical were dismayed that the movie displayed no political messaging it seems audiences could care less.

People love their summer disasters. .. escapism . Unless of course the weather is bad..?

People love disaster movies in the summer because they provide thrilling escapism and adrenaline-pumping action that complements the season…

Over the years, films like “Independence Day” (1996), with its iconic scenes of alien destruction, and “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004), showcasing cataclysmic climate change, have captivated audiences. More recent hits like “San Andreas” (2015), which highlighted the chaos of a massive earthquake, and “2012” (2009), depicting the end of the world, have continued this trend, proving that summer moviegoers crave the excitement and larger-than-life stakes that disaster movies offer.