TIME MAGAZINE puts historic Trump photo on new cover

23 years ago, George W. Bush graced the cover of Time Magazine after 9/11 holding a flag on the rubble on the World Trade Center Towers.. It felt at the time like a game changer–for better or worse history was altered and a new path was carved..

All these years later, a new historic photo is now etched into our psyche..

Donald Trump, grazed by a bullet in an assassination attempt, now graces a new cover of TIME magazine.. The sky behind him is blue, unliked the Bush imagery of gray and billowing dust clouds.. But the flag is there in the distance, with blood flowing down Trump’s face..

In both covers, the right arm is extended high into the sky. Both in acts of defiance..

And both moments in time feel the same. While the path we embark on now as a nation is very different than it would have been, something feels like it is dramatically different and altered.

Living through history.

In 2001 the nation was just on edge as we are now–maybe even more so then. But we survived. The path worked out.

Let’s see where this new road takes us.