Previously never-before-seen 9/11 footage now revealed after person who filmed it found it in his closet

Kei Sugimoto, a Japanese-American who was 24 years old at the time, has released a nearly 1-hour, never-before-seen video on his YouTube channel.

Sugimoto was a Mainframe Operator at the time at Nissho Iwai Shoji when the terrorist attacks occurred and filmed the footage from the roof of 64 St. Marks Place in New York City.

He used a Sony VX2000 with a teleconverter to capture the harrowing moments, according to his Youtube description.

The hour long video starts with the aftermath of both planes hitting. During the filming, both buildings collapse.. The bright blue sky in the background is still something that people who were alive and old enough to have memories will never forget from that day. The video also portrays the helplessness that everyone felt who was watching it happen.

It is also incredible to think about how people in that ‘time’ filmed things longer. Our brains were just wired to keep a camcorder going. While today the minute video on TikTok just ends.

It is continuously unfathomable to consider the passage of time.. at the time this video is uploaded, kids born on 9/11 will have been legally able to drink in the United States for two years already..