They are among other sites doing the same..
Here is what we know:
In the new Texas law, porn site users must be asked to provide digital identification; government-issued identification; or, public or private transactional data (mortgage, pay stub, etc.) to prove that they are adults and not minors.
The law will also require porn and adult websites to display the following warnings:
“Pornography is potentially biologically addictive, is proven to harm human brain development, desensitizes brain reward circuits, increases conditioned responses, and weakens brain function.”
“Exposure to this content is associated with low self-esteem and body image, eating disorders, impaired brain development, and other emotional and mental illnesses.”
“Pornography increases the demand for prostitution, child exploitation, and child pornography.”
Applicable websites will also have to list the phone number for the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Pornhub and others fighting back.
Keep on flapping in the free world.