Covid leading to ‘mass disability event’

Ed Yong is a writer for The Atlantic.. according to this report from the Australian news, Yong has been chronicling symptoms of sufferers of the post Covid “long Covid“ cases…

According to his writings, tens of thousands of people across the world are now being known as long haulers. They are people who still report sometimes debilitating symptoms long after the “recovery“ from Covid..

We are not trying to raise any undue alarms here, but this story does seem to be worth paying attention to. There are countless articles of those who have had Covid still stating that they have yet to regain taste and smell months if not now years after recovering.

Along with that, a recent study actually compared brain deterioration in Covid patients to those who have early onset of dementia. That seems to be pretty alarming right?

Yong now says that the planet is about to have a “mass disability event”..

He basically says that some will recover but others will be disabled for the foreseeable future.

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