Vatican Speaker on Climate Thinks There are 6 Billion Too Many of Us

Vatican Speaker on Climate Thinks There are 6 Billion Too Many of Us I guess the ‘every sperm is sacred’ thought of the Catholic Church shall now change? Although this makes me feel more like the Catlicks wouldn’t mind some good old fashioned eugenics to take hold, too.. [youtube]

A great view from the Rock Bass Grill in Harrisburg tonight.. a good conversation with friends, a bit more about ringworm and MRSA than expected. But that is how strangeness rolls..I hope your Saturday was as peaceful as mine.. Good evening, all.


BUGS SWARM MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR THE ‘GOSNELL BABIES’ More from PHILLY.COM: It’s almost demonic how they all showed up right now, isn’t it?“ whispered one mourner, pinching one flying ant between his fingers as another alighted on his neck. About 40 anti-abortion and Christian activists gathered under sunny skies to pray over the grave site … Read moreBUGS SWARM MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR THE ‘GOSNELL BABIES’

[youtube] Possessed teenagers, doppelgänger schoolteachers, and demonic dolls all feature on our list of the paranormal … frightening paranormal thought provoking mysteries for a Saturday night. Perhaps thinking of some of these will keep you awake tonight..