Since Cardinal Bergoglio assumed the title of Pope Francis, a global exorcism frenzy has seemingly resulted. Some even claimed that Pope Francis himself, when greeting people in Rome, performed an exorcism himself…
New reports from Italy have gone further.. 170 people, students of the paranormal in a sense, have joined up to learn all things satanic.. The Vatican Congregation of Clergy organized by the Sacredos Institute are offering a week long class on exorcism and liberation. Demon fighting..
Father Pedro Barrajon, the organizer of the program, said that the awareness and popularity of the course is evidence of the evil in the world..
With all of the news articles recently propelling exorcisms to the forefront of media, some are poo pooing the idea of a paranormal evil entity active in our world. Some, as atheism and non dogmatic belief systems rise, are against the notion of satan. Even some non denominational religious believers would argue against Pope Francis’ attitude towards ‘evil’ in the world..
Today the exorcism article is making the rounds online. Drudge picked it up and put above the proverbial fold..
When the paranormal makes top news story status, then you know you’re living in an amazing and scary place.