Dramatic protests are taking place in Brazil during the World Cup..
CNN crew hit by stun grenades during CUP protest..
Fun, games, anger and rage at the World Cup..
151-foot hot air Jesus balloon for 2014 FIFA sparks anger..
Extreme flooding causes landslides in Brazil..
Housing grounded: May housing starts, permits slip more than 6%..
“Oh my gosh!” Oklahoma meteorologist deals with earthquake live on the air..
Thumbs up! Fans name Megan Fox as the world’s sexist..
Spielberg next movie set: Spy thriller and BFG..
A very rare double tornado struck yesterday in Nebraska..And with it came heartbreak: A five-year-old is among the dead.. Others are injured.. According to AP dispatches, more than half of the town of Pilger, Nebraska, is destroyed..
The stranger part of the double tornado strike: Usually one tornado is stronger than the other and energy from ones feeds the other. In this case, both tornadoes appear to have been of the same strength and ferocitiy..
At one point, the twin tornadoes stradded a major highway..
Town all but wiped off the map..
Tensions: US adds firepower in Persian Gulf..
Hundreds of Marines and dozens of copters are on standby for whatever President Obama orders..
MOVEM OVER SLENDERMAN!! You’re going to take a back seat to the newest weird net phenom.. Get ready for a new internet meme: The Creepy Paddington bear. .. and any time someone destroys the innocence and beauty of youth, it’s creepy. Just as someone now has, pervading the memories of so many children comforted by Paddington Bear.. Welcome to the net, where nothing is sacred.
Researchers Say Titan Smells Like Farts and Gasoline.. Must be pleasant..