Weekend warrior: A midday Saturday news update

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23 2013 As the Pope prepraes to step down, rumors abound in Rome.. Vatican calls media reports wrong.. The rumors: A gay scandal is rocking the Church.. North Korea warning the United States of ‘miserable destruction’.. 2013: Economic mayhem.. Abercrombie to close 50 stores.. And watch for more.. Sears, KMart, JC PENNY.. Bon … Read moreWeekend warrior: A midday Saturday news update

FBI internal documents show a different side of the men in black

Internal documents could rock the FBI. American media hasn’t paid much attention but UK reporters have.. The London Telegraph is reporting this: Dating drug dealers, harassing ex-boyfriends with naked pictures, and pointing guns at pet dogs: these were just a few of the offences committed recently by serving FBI agents, according to internal documents. Disciplinary … Read moreFBI internal documents show a different side of the men in black


A massive black sunspot, six times the size of earth (as of now) is forming on the sun.. NASA predicts big flares coming within days.. The HORROR REPORT, along with various others sources, will be watching this one.. the spot is named AR1678.. it harbors a great chance for M CLASS flares but will most … Read moreMASSIVE BLACK SUNSPOT FORMING, IT’S SIX TIMES THE SIZE OF EARTH