SATURDAY MARCH 16 2013 Next week: A 7.8 earthquake in LA county.. but it will only be a practice run.. Pope meets the press.. On the menu: What Pope Francis eats.. The man who almost wasn’t pope, or priest: Bergoglio proposed to his childhohod sweetheart.. she snubbed him.. China horror now known: More than 330 … Read more

‘Just kids or children of the damned’? The NEW YORK TIMES reviews SPRING BREAKERS And for some reason, I expect this debauchery of Americana to be the number one film of the weekend..

[youtube] Well.. isn’t that nice. A new drone could snatch people off the streets.

FRIDAY MARCH 15 2013 BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH Jolt: A 4.6 shakes Northern California.. a series of aftershocks follows.. Stan Deyo creates animated graphic to show hotspots in ocean–without storms.. questions if it’s heat plumes in mantle of earth.. Sun unleashes two strong CMEs.. Earthbound.. Monsanto sneaks into budget.. Now Monsanto says they are … Read more

EVENING SHADE: ANOTHER UPDATE.. News is so plentiful today.. another set of links is needed.. Holy Higgs we praise thy name.. the God Particle udpate.. 6 big implications of finding the Go particle.. Obama says Iran is one year away from a nuclear weapon.. Congress to vote on the “Monsanto Protection Act” Remember the women … Read more

THURSDAY MARCH 14 2013 We found God! CERN scientists say that they have found the Higgs Boson.. Grasping.. or seeing? Chris Putman and Tom horn, co-authors of PETRUS ROMANUS: THE FINAL POPE, both agree that Francis I is the fulfillment of the prophecy.. Another piece of information is making its way around the world concerning … Read more