Law enforcements wants him to talk… But The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings suffered an injury to his throat and may not be able to talk, a federal official told CNN on Saturday..

Apple records and keeps users’ Siri queries for up to 2 years Great .. Now Apple keeps record of me searching for crimes about women tearing off their boyfriends’ penises and how to make zambiolone .. And why didn’t Apple tell anyone this!? Sorry Siri. We are through.I’ll stick to Google so the NSA can … Read more

SUNDAY APRIL 21 2013 Horror in China.. 164 dead, now up to 7000 injured after quake.. Hackers hijack CBS online during TV broadcast of 48 HOURS on Boston Marathon bombing FBI had previously interviewed one of the suspects.. Mom says the FBI had them under surveillance.. “Fbi was controlling him every step of the way’ Friend say … Read more

Boston update

Boston bombing: The crucial turning point was the release of suspects’ photos..Cops say that suspects threw a pressure cooker bomb at them..Tamerlan Tsarnaev lost friend to grisly murder..Dzhokhar Tweeted while running..? Life was normal.. he slept in dorm and worked out at the gym..?During the statewide manhunt, Tsarnaev partied..?Details released from the chase: Younger brother drove … Read moreBoston update


April is not a good month..The latest violence coming from Denver, where today was a celebration of 4/20, national high time..A shooting now putting a blemish on what marijuana smokers would have hoped would have been a mellowed out affair..Here’s video of the incident..From Denver, the AP reports

Amazing GIF of Chicago sinkhole in action

expandinghorizonsss: i was really hoping this was fake but its not Amazing sinkhole video fromChicago.. This is not fake, it’s real. But notice the cop in the background who seems to have virtually no reaction during the video. That part at least made me chuckle. The rest sure didn’t.