Watching my son grow

Haircut weekend.. Long to… Short It’s an amazing thing, this fatherhood thing.Every day I am reminded by headlines and stories that this world is scary.. But I look at my son and realize that it’s all FOR something, there is a purpose, and there is something called love. And it’s real. Hope you’re all having … Read moreWatching my son grow

THURSDAY APRIL 25 2013 Experts call new bird flu strain one of the ‘most lethal influenza viruses’.. say it transmit easily between humans.. Worse than 2003 outbreak.. “Extremely dangerous” Did Michelle Obama visit Saudi former ‘person of interest’ in hospital? American teens are heading for Canada.. And there’s not even a draft! Judge reinstates charges … Read more

Alabama explosions

This breaking now.. CNN reporting: (CNN) – A fire broke out Wednesday night on Alabama’s Mobile River after two barges loaded with natural gas exploded not far from where a once listless Carnival cruise ship was docked, authorities said. The Mobile Fire-Rescue Department, on its official Twitter feed, reported that it had “units on the … Read moreAlabama explosions

WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 2013 Rand Paul reverses himself on drones.. and even goes on to say we could drone attack a citizen robbing a liquor store!? What is Ron saying about this one! After Boston, lawmakers want to kill more American citizens with drones.. Schumer wants more.. Ron Paul fans furious over Rand flip.. Get … Read more

Keep on rockin in the free world

And bloggin And tumblin And wordperssin And all those things you do.  And keep on fightin CISPA (The one good thing it would have done won’t happen. A CISPA amendment that would have banned employers from asking for Facebook passwords was voted down in the House)

MONDAY APRIL 22 2013 Now let’s think about how we reacted… Boston residents were ordered out of their homes at gunpoint by SWAT teams as the hunt for a 19-year-old terrorist took place.. NIKE pulls “Boston Massacre” shirts.. They originally had something to do with the Yankees Red Sox rivalry.. now a whole new meaning. … Read more