Gosnell verdict in

A jury has found Philadelphia abortion provider Dr. Kermit Gosnell guilty on three counts of first-degree murder… The jury also found Gosnell guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a former patient of his. 

 The ‘local crime’ story comes to an end (sarcasm) Justice truly served … Well done, jury, well done.

MONDAY MAY 13 2013 DEVELOPING.. X1.7-class eruption May 13th at 02:17 UT.. eruption from the sun..No planets were in the line of fire from the burst but the CME appears to be on course to hit NASA’s Epoxi and Spitzer spacecraft on May 15th.. In just a few days, the spot, 1745, earth will be … Read more

SUNDAY MAY 12 2013 MOTHER’S DAY The IRS was targeting conservative groups recently.. and they knew about it.. The IRS also targeted Jewish groups.. It was happening before the 2012 election.. Congress to demand all information on Patriot audits.. And didn’t President Obama make several jokes over the years about how he could audit at … Read more

SATURDAY MAY 11 2013 WOW! RED ALERT, MUST READ: Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform.. Friday night box reports predict a good weekend for GREAT GATSBY, but IRON MAN 3 will stay on top.. BLOWING SMOKE IN THE WHITE HOUSE–AND REPORTERS FORCED OUT.. Losing the fever: New poll suggests Americans reallly … Read more

FRIDAY MAY 10 2013 Update on the missing women found in Ohio.. According to reports, child kidnapper ‘operated a torture chamber’ in the Cleveland home.. Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said he’d try to persuade a grand jury to indict the 52-year-old Castro for “aggravated murder” for the termination of his captives’ pregnancies. He cited a state … Read more

Chief pleads for burial spot for Tsarnaev: ‘We are not barbarians’ WE NEED TO BURY THIS MAN REGARDLESS OF HIS CRIMES!!