Memorial Day weekend continues. Three days for many, but the pain that occurred to create this holiday is purely evident.It all began as a celebration of those who perished during the Civil War.. Perhaps just too many other wars had taken place by the time it was expanded to dedicate a day to all lives … Read more

Weekend box

Epic Fox 3,888 Fast & Furious 6 Universal 3,658 The Hangover Part III Warner Bros. 3,555 We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks Focus Features 4 – – – – – – Star Trek Into Darkness from Paramount expanding: 3,907 +39

THURSDAY MAY 23 2013 Watch the stock market world today.. Ben Bernanke may have sparked a massive sell off that could have global monetary ramifications.. Insult to injury this morning: Moore OK getting hit by heavy storms this morning. Heavy rains, hail and gusty winds… The aftermath of a tornado: A simple American flag hangs … Read more

WEDNESDAY MAY 22 2013 Today should be interesting. An IRS official will plead the 5th before the House Oversight Committee investigating the IRS audits of conservative groups. It should make for must see TV. That is if networks decide it is Must Cover TV.. The tornado was strong.. highest rating given: EF5. More disburbing information … Read more

TUESDAY MAY 21 2013 Tuesday morning radar.. Some of the news I am reading today, and information you should too So much heartache.. so much disaster. The latest is in Oklahoma, as you may have been seeing if you followed Earth Informer yesterday and other sources as well. The latest reports lament 91 dead so far–so … Read more

MONDAY MAY 20 2013 Massive tornadoes strikes the Midwest.. Death and injuries.. Fireballs being seen in last 24 hours.. More missiles being launched in North Korea.. Two more short range missile launches make it now six in three days.. There’s a rumblr on Tumblr..the new billion dollar man is coming to us from the tech … Read more

FRIDAY MAY 17 2013 MASSIVE asteroid set to fly by earth on May 31.. Earthquake in Eastern Canada.. New information shows that the IRS hid probe until after 2012 election.. Another Gosnell? Houston doctor accused of horrific abortion practices.. would deliver babies and twist their necks off in some occasions.. Horrific aftermath of tornadoes in … Read more

TUESDAY MAY 14 2013 SCANDAL CONSUMES THE WHITE HOUSE When it rains it pours on Obama.. The IRS scandal.. the AP was raided by the Department of Justice.. and the Benghazi story just continues to drip.. The DOJ tracked 20 phone lines at the AP.. Matt Drudge: Assume all communications are being monitored.. TOP IRS … Read more

Popocatepetl blows

Mexican officials are preparing evacuation routes and shelters for tens of thousands of people who live in the shadow of Popocatepetl, a giant volcano 40 miles southeast of Mexico City Read more here: Full story