The things that scare Stephen King–and does he believe in God now?

A very interesting story appeared on NPR a few days back.. They profiled Stephen King ..  I learned some information I never knew about the author, such as how he believes that televangelists and carnival workers are similar *(I agree)* and how he believes in God..  The believing in God portion is getting most of … Read moreThe things that scare Stephen King–and does he believe in God now?

I smell a rat: That is surely a strange looking rock walking on Mars..

So did you hear the one about the rat on Mars? No seriously.. did you? This photo seen here been making the rounds across the Internets. It’s on fire..  It all started with a sleauths examining photos from the Mars Curiosity Rover. They found what appeared to be a giant rat slithering between two large … Read moreI smell a rat: That is surely a strange looking rock walking on Mars..

In a world where anything can happen, we don’t want a nuclear explosion to happen

The planet Earth has enough problems with worrying about a smoldering landfill threatening nuclear waste. But that is exactly the worry of people in Missouri now that trash is burning just 1,200 feet from a landfill of nuclear material dating back to the Manhattan Project of the 1940s.. This is a true story. The ASSOCIATED … Read moreIn a world where anything can happen, we don’t want a nuclear explosion to happen

Life isn’t DONNIE DARKO but sure looks like it now and then

Life imitates art.. In my opinion, you can’t read this story about a small Cessna plane crashing into a Virginia living room without having memories of DONNIE DARKO conjured up.. It’s amazing news that no one was critically injured, just minor.. But the whole story tells me that life imitates art more than the other … Read moreLife isn’t DONNIE DARKO but sure looks like it now and then

Deaths now reported: A horrible night of weather in the Midwest

Deadly storms now..  Authorities in Oklahoma have confirmed that a mother and her infant are among the fatalities on highway I-40.. Many more injuries and deaths are expected.. Fans are trapped under debris at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, MO according to local news sources. Anyone watching live coverage knows that motorists were driving directly into … Read moreDeaths now reported: A horrible night of weather in the Midwest