Purge surge

THE PURGE is over performing at the box office with bigger than expected revenues.. Nikki Finke has attributed it to tropical storm Andrea…I think the marketing campaign on Tumblr and Twitter is the responsible reasons.. We will see how the rest of the weekend goes now that the pesky Andrea has blown away..

Another close shave

And asteroid four times closer than the moon just flew by earth.. It was the size of a truck.. And if you’re wondering why you didn’t hear about it until now, it’s because it wasn’t discovered about a day ago.. When will earth’s luck run out?

The ricin diaries

News of the strange got stranger as an actress has now been arrested in connection with the recent batch of ricin mailings..Investigators believe Shannon Rogers Richardson, also known as Shannon Rogers Guess, mailed the letters, a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation said.She has appeared in WALKING DEAD and the VAMPIRE DIARIES..

True horror

Claim: Iraqi birth defects are worse than Hiroshima..* Just a note, there are some graphic images in this story, beware of that .. if you’re upset by the horrific things mankind can do to children, you may want to avoid this and just realize the headline speaks volumes about what has occurred in Iraq since … Read moreTrue horror

The NSA also has direct access to computer systems

The UK GUARDIAN is continuing its exclusive reporting tonight with this news that the NSA has direct access to computer companies and their networks..The GUARDIAN reports, in part: The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained … Read moreThe NSA also has direct access to computer systems

Lots of reaction to the NSA/Verizon snooping issues

The world of telecommunications was rocked today when the UK GUARDIAN reported that a FISA court ordered Verizon to provide records of calls of millions of Americans on an ongoing, daily basis. And now the  Obama Administration is defending the program as ‘critical’ for safety and the fight against terrorism.. An opinion written on CNN … Read moreLots of reaction to the NSA/Verizon snooping issues

Rotten apple

A new FTC ruling is quite big.. They say that Apple infringed on Samsung.. And as a result, several Apple products are now banned from being sold in the United States!

Latest AP dispatch on MERS

They report: Saudi Arabia has reported that three more people have died from a new respiratory virus related to SARS, bringing the total number of deaths in the kingdom to 24.The Ministry of Health said Sunday the three deceased were among 38 infected in the kingdom with the respiratory virus called MERS.