FRIDAY JUNE 14 2013 National interests. . international affairs.. the red line has been crossed. Last night, it was learned that the United States believes Syria’s government has used chemical weapons against people (earlier reports indicated that the rebels the US was supporting used them) .. the ‘red line’ as it was known was apparently … Read moreFINALLY FRIDAY UPDATE

Surveil this! Superman is Jesus. And 1984 is up 69% .. and a tornado in France? Read it all and weep. The Wednesday update

WEDNESDAY JUNE 12 2013 It has been a trying few days.. You can read about why if you want to more on my personal blog .. Signs of the time: Sales of 1984 are up 69% on The government has twice (as far as we know) used surveillance powers to investigate Americans not connected … Read moreSurveil this! Superman is Jesus. And 1984 is up 69% .. and a tornado in France? Read it all and weep. The Wednesday update

The ”boundless informant” reveals himself: Edward Snowden talks to the GUARDIAN

This is Edward Snowden. He is 29. And he is the leaker who told everything and anything about the NSA and the FBI to the UK GUARDIAN. He also explained to the GUARDIAN as to why.. He spoke about his actions in 12 minute interview posted on the GUARIDAN.. He defended Bradley Manning, and on … Read moreThe ”boundless informant” reveals himself: Edward Snowden talks to the GUARDIAN