Mila the witch, Carrey the non-violent, and a statute that spins: The Tuesday update

TUESDAY JUNE 25 2013 June 25: The best day of summer.. Seismologists continue to montitor Carson City quake cluster.. Snowden and NSA update: Snowden still running.. Amnesty International says the United States should NOT hunt Edward Snowden.. NSA: Global blowback Original whistle blower Russ Tice says he saw wiretap orders of Obama in 2004.. Source … Read moreMila the witch, Carrey the non-violent, and a statute that spins: The Tuesday update

Earthquakes, tsunamis, and Doctor Simon Atkins

A relatively large earthquake took place along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge yesterday.. a 6.6 magnitude quake produced obviously no damage or tsunami.. but the location surely raised eyebrows when you consider that, earlier this month, a tsunami struck New Jersey! It’s true.. it happened earlier this month and the NOAA confirmed it Monday.. I posted a … Read moreEarthquakes, tsunamis, and Doctor Simon Atkins


Under the light of the global supermoon, Edward Snowden has United States officials on the chase.. the hunt.. for the leaker. Or as they term, ‘criminal.’ Diane Feinstein said the chase is on.. she spoke for the Administration who is angry at Russia for not turning Snowden over to the US, since the US gave … Read moreTHE SUPERMOON CHASE


[youtube] Edward Snowden left Hong Kong, in a plane bound for somewhere.. Cuba? Venezuela? He’s on the move..  It’s certainly not the first time someone ran with the shadows of the night. Pat Benatar  becomes his soundtrack, from about 30 years in the past..