TUESDAY JULY 30 2013 Injuries after explosion rocks central Florida gas plant.. Philadelphia just got more rain than at any one time over the past 140 years.. Catholic Church attempting to lure young with high tech campaign.. Pope Francis says he will not judge gay priests.. The most embarrassing FOX interview ever done? Good work, FBI! They … Read more

Daytime or nighttime?Did Art Bell get the deal he desired?Cumulus media?Rumors abound..More rumors..Follow the developing story live on COASTGAB..HIGH DESERT INTRIGUE: WHAT IS ART BELL’S ‘INCOMING MESSAGE’?

While you’re busy pondering if Art Bell will come back, take a listen to Clyde Lewis tonight

His program will focus on strange booms, and the black hole sun.. It looks creepy and interesting, and as usual Clyde Lewis is just awesome..  Give it a listen while you frantically refresh ARTBELL.COM… By the way, this show seems like it will be based on the news that a giant hole in the sun … Read moreWhile you’re busy pondering if Art Bell will come back, take a listen to Clyde Lewis tonight

Art Bell rumors… And now Rush and Hannity

The timing sure is weird.. Cumulus ending its relationship with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity according to reports.. Art Bell to the daytime? Unlikely I say..But there are lots of moving pieces moving.. Maybe Huckabee (ugh) and Savage moving to day time hours? Art Bell taking Savage’s spot?? Lots of radio news coming..Developing..

Art Bell return? Rumors abound..

People talk.. And of you believe the poster named ‘kingotnw’ on Coast Gab, it would appear Art Bell is coming back.. We have heard rumors before.. And they have fallen flat before as well.. But this time seems different.. If the information in the purported call is true, then this time will be different.. Developing..

Something in brewing in the Kingdom of Nye: ArtBell.com’s fun mind games

Anyone following Artbell.com will realize that the magic of just plain font on a plain background is amazing. In our days of blogs and Twitter embeds, Art Bell has seemingly seized all attention by just giving hints, Morse code,  and letters that link to his past bumper music.. Right now there is a JavaScript code … Read moreSomething in brewing in the Kingdom of Nye: ArtBell.com’s fun mind games

Case of the Mondays.. bleeding communion, a prophecy of the popes coat of arms, and a ghost who likes tea at the Whistable Stop

MONDAY JULY 29 2013 Millions come out to see Pope Francis in Latin America.. Youth needed to ‘break down evil’ And the creepy Pope story of the day.. The coat of arms of Pope Francis seems to back up the Prophecy of the Popes prediction.. Now is the Vatican just messing with us? Holder says … Read moreCase of the Mondays.. bleeding communion, a prophecy of the popes coat of arms, and a ghost who likes tea at the Whistable Stop