Perhaps a side effect of the Edward Snowden Obama standoff?’s Nikki Finke reporting: ELYSIUM is doing very well at the box office, the box will be 12 percent more this week than it was last week in sales , and the territory were ELYSIUM is doing quite well surprisingly is Russia.. WE’RE THE MILLERS With less than favorable numbers, mediocre at best for Aniston … Read morePerhaps a side effect of the Edward Snowden Obama standoff?

I received this message today telling me to stop paying attention to the mystery Missouri priest

The email said in part: The only reason why people have different descriptions of this priestess because he never existed, it was not a figment of imagination or mass delusion Instead, I think they’re all making this up, and they’re all doing it for attention Quite the accusation, I have to disagree with it but … Read moreI received this message today telling me to stop paying attention to the mystery Missouri priest

The Missouri Priest story turns into the Walter Matthau mystery

Someone is throwing cold water on the theory that the mystery priest in Missouri was an angelic creature.. And that person is a Jesuit priest!Father James Martin, author and priest, told the HUFFINGTON POST: ““Most likely the priest will be identified, and people will be able to thank him,” he told The Huffington Post in … Read moreThe Missouri Priest story turns into the Walter Matthau mystery

I stand corrected. But still won’t see the new Paranormal Activity

My friend the Cinema Psycho has some corrections on my story yesterday on the new Paranormal Activity. His message to me: While you are correct that Paranormal #5 is coming out on that date… “The Marked Ones” is actually the name of a spinoff of the series which is coming out on Jan. 3. Apparently … Read moreI stand corrected. But still won’t see the new Paranormal Activity

Some personal thoughts on the priest who was, or maybe wasn’t

The horrific crash site in Missouri  The story of the priest vanishing from a car crash scene has received national attention.. the HORROR REPORT featured this article yesterday, along with many other news sources.  Last night George Noory dedicated a full hour of his program on Coast to Coast AM to the story..  And now … Read moreSome personal thoughts on the priest who was, or maybe wasn’t

A skinny dipping UFO becomes the talk of Naples, FL

The video is strange, indeed. An apartment complex security surveillance camera caught someone–or something–doing some late night swimming. Could it be water droplets on the camera.. or a UFO in a birthday suit enjoying the waters.. You can watch the video and decide for yourself: [youtube] MUFON does not think it’s a hoax.. It’s … Read moreA skinny dipping UFO becomes the talk of Naples, FL

Fearful Friday news update from the world and beyond

FRIDAY AUGUST 8 2013 Flooding throughout North Georgia.. California wildfire spreading fast..Head to toe burn victim.. Killer bees in the United States being blamed on warmer weather.. Slow unfolding Fukushima disaster continues: 300 tons of radioactive water flowing into the Pacific daily for two years.. Mystery dolphin deaths now all along the East Coast.. Carcasses … Read moreFearful Friday news update from the world and beyond