Big quake in Alaska

Interestingly enough this was predicted by earthquake watchers for a few days.. Amazing that it happened as expected. I may start paying a lot more attention to people like Stan Deyo and others that so often seem to correctly pinpoint where earthquakes will occur..

ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME KNOWS THAT I HAVE LONG PREDICTED ‘PHONES IMPLANTED IN OUR HANDS’ BY 2020..Only problem is, I may have been off on the time period in which  I thought it would happen.. As a matter of fact, a man is now making news because he implanted an RFID chip into his hand.Transhumanism.. Robotic … Read more

The Wednesday update

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28 2013 DO YOU WANT THIS WAR? Intercepted calls are said to “prove” Syria is behind chemical attack.. White House says this is not about regime change.. (Wait.. it’s not??) West preps for Syria strike.. Continued debate over who killed with chemicals.. what will the phone records really show? Russia is warning that … Read moreThe Wednesday update

War again ?

A strike on Syria could happen by Thursday.. The US says it would be ‘limited’ in scope.. Russia and China both are warning the United States not so do it. Chess pieces are taking their places..