What’s the time what’s the time what’s the time?

There is this grand illusion people enjoy having. They like to pretend that we understand time. Sure, it’s the revolving of the earth around the sun.. time here is different ‘there’.. And ‘there’ is completely opposite of all the way ‘over there.’ For all of the understanding we have concerning the universe and the rotation … Read moreWhat’s the time what’s the time what’s the time?

Cutting down trees.. cutting down memories

Christmas music season starts.. thanks to Joni Mitchell and the RIVER.. Good morning, all. I am thinking of some personal matters today, deeply..  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCov0TYXBp8?wmode=transparent&autohide=1&egm=0&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&showsearch=0] Christmas music seasIs it possible—just a thought—that there are multiple universes? Filled with multiple possibilities? Is it possible that strange moments of deja vu are truly signs that you HAVE … Read moreCutting down trees.. cutting down memories

John B. Unwell

Here’s some ‘inside baseball’ for those who listen to late night paranormal radio. Well.. radio that used to be paranormal. Despite amazing bumper music and a voice for the midnight hour, Coast to Coast AM weekend host John B. Wells has been facing a growing amount of opposition to his hosting skills on the popular website … Read moreJohn B. Unwell

The boy in the hospital room: A story that challenges my skepticism

Before you read this, it should be noted that I am a truly skeptical person, but not skeptical to the point where I do not believe there are numerous possibilities.. Skepticism aside, I was talking to a friend last night when I encountered a very chilling moment.   Let me first set the stage. Stay with … Read moreThe boy in the hospital room: A story that challenges my skepticism

A time slip Friday: Nelson Mandella is dead. (Again?) And other information you need to know, too

FRIDAY DECEMBER 6 2013 Nelson Mandella, the endless time traveler on earth, is dead. He had a life of struggle and triumph.. His prison time did not stop from from history in 1994 when he became the president of South Africa. His recent battle with ailments left him on his death bed repeatedly, but his … Read moreA time slip Friday: Nelson Mandella is dead. (Again?) And other information you need to know, too