Babies smelling baby like

Very interesting article on the scientific reasons why moms with new babies love the way they smell.. a bond exists early and new research actually explains why.. In all fairness though, the new baby smell doesn’t coexist with the ‘first diaper smell’.. Thankfully that’s an odor quickly forgotten by moms and dads alike..

FEMA, comets, Putin, and Tina Fey’s Nipple: Tuesday morning udpate

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 2013 At the time of this update: The siege at the mall continued yesterday and now militants claim their gunmen are still alive in the building..Kenya standoff.. 4.9 quake his Wyoming.. Earthquake swarm continues at Yellowstone.. Post-Usagi: At least 33 dead after big typhoon hits.. 40% of food in the United States … Read moreFEMA, comets, Putin, and Tina Fey’s Nipple: Tuesday morning udpate

So much to report, so little time: I have a severe case of ‘the Mondays’. The world seems to have one too

MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23 2013 It was a great weekend, for all intents and purposes.. Here in HORROR REPORT land, the Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania annual Bloomsburg Fair opened with traditional bombast (big rain storm and big cool down and cold nights) .. Love going there. I am another face in the crowd, though yesterday I sported my … Read moreSo much to report, so little time: I have a severe case of ‘the Mondays’. The world seems to have one too

Don’t use a Blackberry in an Olive Garden

…or chances are you’ll lose your job. Especially if you’re working for either company. Apparently 4,500 people are about to be deleted from Blackberry.. Meanwhile Darden Restaurants are bleeding lots of cash, thanks to the Olive Gardens and Red Lobsters.. Proof this weekend that lousy uninspired chain restaurants are dying and non-touch screen phones are … Read moreDon’t use a Blackberry in an Olive Garden