JP Morgan Chase to limit cash withdrawals, prohibit all outgoing international bank wires, bank officials say Wow.Red alert!Hyperinflation!Smellen Yellen! And no United States media outlets are yet reporting this bank control.. This is an urgent economic story..

Shakeout day

You may have heard about this for months in the circles of online conspiracy.. but here we are: FEMA REGION 3 is ready to go on their ‘world’s largest earthquake drill’ .. It all happens today at 10:17 am.. A magnitude 8 is set to happen today.. Follow it live on TWITTER..This is just a … Read moreShakeout day

“Sons of the devil” pass their budget, and Ke$ha has a haunted vagina. All this and more

THURSDAY OCTOBER 17 2013.. The United States did not default. Once again, politicians took the nation to the brink of destruction and, at the last moment, turned back and agreed on a deal–one that will only be temporary of course.. So the brink of disaster will happen again. And again. And again. But if we … Read more“Sons of the devil” pass their budget, and Ke$ha has a haunted vagina. All this and more

A New Dad Asks, If Male Violence Is the Biggest Threat to Women—How Do I Raise a Kind Son? by Christopher Zumski Finke And a very interesting article… I am raising a son myself.. My wife and I are attempting to ensure he lives his life with values and goodness, with kindness and manners. But … Read more

A place to see this season in Jim Thorpe, PA: The Old Jail Museum

I feel I have done a great disservice to readers.. I had a wonderful experience this weekend at a ‘haunted’ attraction and failed to do any in depth posting about it.. My apologies.. I am relatively close to the beautiful town  of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. If you are too, or willing to take a drive … Read moreA place to see this season in Jim Thorpe, PA: The Old Jail Museum

A debt ceiling on the Mondays.. News from around here, there, and beyond

MONDAY OCTOBER 14 2013Columbus Day.. (We still celebrate this?) It was an interesting weekend.. no budget deal yet.. but the weather in my neck of the wood sure was perfect. It almost makes financial disaster less scary when the skies are blue and the autumn breeze is warm. Nonetheless, calamnity may befall the nation this … Read moreA debt ceiling on the Mondays.. News from around here, there, and beyond

Pennhurst pains: You won’t see me paying to watch the children suffer

HAPPY VISIONS THAT NEVER WERE Every year I am approached by a friend who tells me they yearn to go to Pennhurst State hospital in Spring City, Pennsylvania.. and it seems, in turn, that I have to tell someone yearly of the true horror that happened at that location in the late 20th century, during … Read morePennhurst pains: You won’t see me paying to watch the children suffer