The NEW YORK POST published a very graphic shot of accused LAX shooter Paul Ciancia on the ground after he was shot by police.. They ‘warning’ is directly above the photo of the graphic shot And I warn you.. clicking through to the post story will give YOU the graphic shot. If you want to … Read more

A personal story

Centralia is back in the news. The last remaining residents can now stay until they can’t breathe anymore. It’s a victory in a sense for the lucky 7. But I say, former residents unite! File a class action lawsuit to have YOUR old properties back… Sadly most residents who were forced to leave are dying … Read moreA personal story

TWAS THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN. And that doesn’t mean the world is not still scary

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1, 2013ALL HALLOW’S DAY RELAX. IT’S OVER. ALL HALLOW’S EVE has ended.. Trick or treat night ended up being rainy for little Ayden.. the dark side of the night actually became intensified–it was like the ancient Celts were right .. I felt a thin vale slowly lifting for a bit as the wind … Read moreTWAS THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN. And that doesn’t mean the world is not still scary

Samhain Eve

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30 2013ON MORE DAY ‘TIL HALLOWEEN. SILVER SHAMROCK A year of nothings: Sandy survivors see no path home.. still, one year later..It is actually pretty hard to believe that it’s has been a year already since the massive Superstorm hit..Should you be interested, there is some archived information from last year on both … Read moreSamhain Eve


INCOMING! breakingnews: Asteroid due to fly in between Earth and the moon NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program says a small asteroid will fly in between Earth and the moon on Tuesday, with its closest pass to our planet occurring around 5:45 p.m. ET. The asteroid was first discovered on Oct. 25. During its closest pass, the … Read moreANOTHER ASTEROID CLOSES IN–AND IT’S VERY CLOSE FOR COMFORT