2013: The year that Art Bell may be ready to take back the night

The moment that Art Bell fans have been waiting for may have finally arrived.. After much speculation and many cryptic messages for the past three years Bell put this on his Facebook this evening: That’s right, Art Bell said “I am not in negotiation for a new Radio show, stay tuned.” Immediately message boards and … Read more2013: The year that Art Bell may be ready to take back the night

MONDAY JANUARY 28 2013 The HORROR REPORT began to see this storm a few days ago developing, and yesterday began some more coverage of it. There is a giant system in the North Atlantic, possibly stronger than Hurricane Sandy, heading towards Europe.. And with it comes high winds, and rain… It’s ‘ex-tropical’ in nature but … Read more

Forever young

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCfd6q3LJbg?wmode=transparent&autohide=1&egm=0&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&showsearch=0] I went to a viewing tonight.. they are never pretty.  But viewings of someone who is 32 aren’t meant to occur.. viewings of a mom who had three kids is not fair at all.. Even worse, those friends who I gathered with were all with me in high school.. and here we are, … Read moreForever young

Janu-Scary weather

This is a little weird, but with our constantly changing global weather patterns, not surprising at all: it’s January but we are already talking about chances for some very severe weather come Wednesday along the East Coast and in some big cities too.. this after an ice storm tomorrow. And then a turn to colder air … Read moreJanu-Scary weather

Should we call this Atlantic system a superstorm yet?

Wow..This is an intense storm right now over the Atlantic waters. It looks like a hurricane .. its pressure is bottoming out..This is how the NOAA predicts it: The latest OPC 48 hour Atlantic Surface forecast chart (top left), valid 00Z January 26, continues to show an expected hurricane force low pressure system in the central … Read moreShould we call this Atlantic system a superstorm yet?

Brazilian nightmare: The Kiss nightclub was 1000 people over its limit!

The latest news coming out about the Kiss Nightclub in Santa Maria: A fire official says the club was 1,000 people over capacity and “according to the information we have, the security guards kept people from leaving the building… Why were guards not allowing people to leave once the pyrotechnics lit the building on fire? … Read moreBrazilian nightmare: The Kiss nightclub was 1000 people over its limit!