Here’s a reason I can’t trust NASA about the February 15 asteroid

‘Flight Director Jon Harpold said to Hale and others at the meeting, “you know, there is nothing we can do about damage to the TPS (Thermal Protection System). If it has been damaged it’s probably better not to know. I think the crew would rather not know. Don’t you think it would be better for … Read moreHere’s a reason I can’t trust NASA about the February 15 asteroid

The close shave

February 15: An asteroid flies by earth just 17,000 miles away from the planet.. Are you comforted by this NASA statement?: ‘2012 DA14 will definitely not hit Earth. The orbit of the asteroid is known well enough to rule out an impact’ I’ll be honest. I’m not.

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 2013 Suicide bombing at US embassy in Turkey.. 25 dead in office blast at Mexico oil company.. Al Qaeda issues new ‘shocking’ attack threat.. North Korea increases acticity at nuclear site.. Amazing image from Saturn: A storm so large that it is beginning to eat its own tail.. Month of the asteroid: … Read more

WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30 2013 Salmonella linked to ground beef in a five-state outbreak.. Richter scale rumblings: Small earthquake causes Canadian area to wonder if a larger one is brewing.. Just days ago a military drill in Florida featuring choppers firing blank machine gun rounds on citizens scared many.. now it’s Houston, where an army drill caused … Read more