So why did a horror-themed movie fail at a Halloween-timed box office?

CARRIE SET PHOTO I thought the cool secret advertisement that was done in the New York City coffee shop did a great job showcasing the movie.. I have seen endless ads for the film.. the word of mouth has been decent,  And I even saw a review in CHRISTIANITY TODAY that portrayed the movie in … Read moreSo why did a horror-themed movie fail at a Halloween-timed box office?


SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 2013 Modern world: Should PARENTS be charged when their kids cyberbully Boy Scouts leader destroys millions-old rock formation in Utah park..And there is videotape to prove it..Criminal charges–and an INTERNATIONAL outcry! New super-typhoon heading towards Japan.. .. and it will follow the previous path. It’s like mother nature wants to only exacerbate … Read moreSATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS