Real horror on THURSDAY AUGUST 22 2013.. fake horror too. As usual, the reality of the world is much scarier than the fictitious ..

Rebels in Syria say that Assad has used chemical weapons against men, women, and children.. causing more than 1,300 deaths they claim. There are some doubts.. France is saying that if it turns out to be true, use of force is necessary.. But according to the latest Associated Press dispatch from Syria, President Bashar Assad’s … Read moreReal horror on THURSDAY AUGUST 22 2013.. fake horror too. As usual, the reality of the world is much scarier than the fictitious ..

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21 2013 A personal D-Day for me. Wish me luck with a health issue.. Perhaps an update on that later. The murder of Christopher Lane from Australia shocks to the heartland–and the world.. The defense from the teenager killers: They did it because they were bored.. We will see if that defense holds … Read more

Shooting suspect in custody at Georgia school …school year begins..…school shooting season in gear. I am just disgusted by just about 100% of the news headlines today..

When Sharks Attack–Sharks!

Take this shark week! This is the real thing. An entire shark was swallowed by another shark. For some reason I envision that gag, where one bigger box houses a smaller box until you find the gift. I wonder if it worked the same way with these sharks..

Police: Australian baseball player killed by Oklahoma teens — just because A random act of violence has left a promising 22-year-old college baseball player dead, a family devastated and two countries half a world apart rattled. The term ‘senseless violence’ means just that.. And to see a 22-year-old kid from another country come to America … Read more