There are some who want to explain the ‘rational’ reasons the earth is groaning

Continuing the reporting on this topic we have been doing since the inception of Earth Informer, we would be remiss if we did not report that some out there have explanations for the earth groaning noises being heard around the globe. NASA says the earth has natural radio emissions. Some researchers know humans hear a “hum” … Read moreThere are some who want to explain the ‘rational’ reasons the earth is groaning

The TV is watching you

Most people had a family member either deceased or aging that said this: If you can watch TV, the TV can watch you. Younger people of the world laughed at those conspiratorial sentiments.  Nonsense! Laughable! Ridiculous. But with recent reports about appliances wired to work and wiring you to spy on you, those old timers may have been … Read moreThe TV is watching you