The Mars that once was Scientists have located an impact crater…

The Mars that once was Scientists have located an impact crater linked to powerful tsunamis that swept across part of ancient Mars. The team believe an asteroid triggered 150m-high waves when it plunged into an ocean thought to have existed on northern Mars three billion years ago. Lomonosov crater in the planet’s northern plains fits … Read moreThe Mars that once was Scientists have located an impact crater…

Scientists have discovered what they say could be fossils of some of the earliest living organisms on Earth.

BBC:  They are represented by tiny filaments, knobs and tubes in Canadian rocks dated to be up to 4.28 billion years old. That is a time not long after the planet’s formation and hundreds of millions of years before what is currently accepted as evidence for the most ancient life yet found on Earth. The … Read moreScientists have discovered what they say could be fossils of some of the earliest living organisms on Earth.

Winston Churchill’s views on aliens revealed in lost essay

Winston Churchill’s views on aliens revealed in lost essay: Some of the top smartest people in the history of the modern world have bought into the concept of alien life somewhere else among us .. now revealed in essays and his own words: Churchill is among the crowd of believers .. Dr Livio says the … Read moreWinston Churchill’s views on aliens revealed in lost essay

Winston Churchill’s views on aliens revealed in lost essay

Winston Churchill’s views on aliens revealed in lost essay: Some of the top smartest people in the history of the modern world have bought into the concept of alien life somewhere else among us .. now revealed in essays and his own words: Churchill is among the crowd of believers .. Dr Livio says the … Read moreWinston Churchill’s views on aliens revealed in lost essay