Some nostalgia for your video pleasure.. BATMAN 1989

[youtube] Some nostalgia for your video pleasure.. These are various reports from the BATMAN era in 1989. I was 9. It was amazing, I saw the film at least 5 times in the theater and it forever changed my life. Here’s just a few little snippets of history of media coverage from almost GASP! … Read moreSome nostalgia for your video pleasure.. BATMAN 1989

Harvesting Blood From Babies’ Umbilical Cords Could Help Reverse Aging

Harvesting Blood From Babies’ Umbilical Cords Could Help Reverse Aging: Bodily fluids understandably make people queasy, especially when substances like animal blood are used in art. But if the blood of a newborn baby could make you feel young again, could you overcome your revulsion? That may sound like a horror movie pitch, but thanks … Read moreHarvesting Blood From Babies’ Umbilical Cords Could Help Reverse Aging

A pulsating sun or camera error?

[youtube] A new video from MrMBB333 is a bit chilling..  From the description:  A viewer was observing a Spain skycam, when all of the sudden the Sun appears to go into this intense huge flaring mode. Rapidly pulsating in the monitor of the camera. The viewer who watches the cameras often was VERY surprised … Read moreA pulsating sun or camera error?